Logo Design – Jo

Initial consultations with the client established that they wanted a corporate look and feel to their rebrand but at the same time retaining a friendly and familiar face to their clients and any prospective clients.

P&D specified that they wanted corporate colours of blue and green.  Originally they wanted green to be the predominant colour, however after careful consideration and under guidance – a darker shade of blue was chosen for the semi circle and the circle of the logo.  The ampersand had to be included as it forms part of their company name and with this is mind the initials were placed so that if the logo was turned upside down it still reads as P&D

Client has decided to utilise both of the logos.  The half circle is the basis of the main logo and will feature on business cards, letterheads and compliment slips where one of the partners is the signatory or presenter of the card to signify that partner.  The full circle logo will be used on leaflets and presentation folders to signify the ‘company’ as a whole.

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