24th March 2012


Date of Meeting:                             24th March 2012
Minutes prepared by:                      Jo Costello
Aims of meeting:                             Identify client needs re-brand of company/image
Attendees:                                       Debbie & Paul Wilde (P&D), Jo Costello, Jen Bracken

Met with client, Debbie and Paul of P&D Associates. Discussed their requirements for the re-brand of their accountancy business.

Initial requirements identified:
Business card
Compliment slips
Information pack for prospective clients – to contain;
flyer of services
business card
Welcome letter

Website – no exisiting website so require purchase of domain etc
Domain name to be decided after further consultation with client
Photographs with bio for display on website
Short video commercial on website; interview with P&D Associates, Q&A?

Briefly discussed colour scheme, they both agree that they would like corporate colours – dark blue and light green.  The feeling is that these colours represent a professional and trustworthy image.
(colour chart and colour harmonies to be sent to identify shades)

Website is to be a balance between formal and informal as they want to retain the personal relationship with clients but also move towards a professional image.  They are concerned that if the website looks to formal then it may ‘put off’ the smaller clients, they have a preconceived idea that if the website looks too formal then some would be put off by thinking that the accountancy service they provide will incur higher rates.  They have clearly stated that they do not want rates displayed on the website.  However, have comprised that perhaps there could be a ‘starting from’ rate displayed.

Prepare colour chart and colour harmonies                                       JCo
Initial design ideas for logo                                                                JCo

Website research – layout                                                                  JBr
Website content research – video commercial/bios                           JBr

Next meeting:
12th April 2012

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