
Careful consideration has been given to the paper choice.  Recycled paper was considered and subsequently rejected as felt that it did not convey the message of corporate feel that P&D are looking for.  The Smooth white woven was chosen as it has a more ‘professional’ and stable feel to it and so reflects the nature of the business, accountancy, finance and money.

The same consideration was given to business card choice and the decision has been made to stay with a traditional shaped card rather than a ‘cut out’ gimicky type, again due to the nature of the company and the fact that they want to convey a corporate professional look.

Paper has been selected for letterheads, compliment slips and business cards

120gsm Smooth White Woven  – letterhead (A4 210x297mm)
120gsm Smooth White Woven – compliment slip (99x102mm)
400gsm Silk Artboard (FSC certified 50% recycled) Full colour both sides – Business Card (85x55mm)
Recycled paper for 1/3 leaflet/flyer


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