Printed Media Final Designs

P&D specified that they wanted corporate colours of blue and green.  Originally they wanted green to be the predominant colour, however after careful consideration and under guidance – a darker shade of blue was chosen for the semi circle and the circle of the logo.  The ampersand had to be included as it forms part of their company name and with this is mind the initials were placed so that if the logo was turned upside down it still reads as P&D.

Designs have now been approved by P&D and are in the process of being sent to the printer for final discussions prior to printing.

Design work:
Client has decided to utilise both of the logos.  The half circle is the basis of the main logo and will feature on business cards, letterheads and compliment slips where one of the partners is the signatory or presenter of the card to signify that partner.  The full circle logo will be used on leaflets and presentation folders to signify the ‘company’ as a whole.

Printed media:
Compliment Slip
Business Card
1/3 Flyer/leaflet
Presentation Folder (awaiting final template approval)

Business Card
A traditional style of business card but with the addition of a QR code that reflects how technology is progressing but still retaining offline contact details with the added benefit of being able to scan the code and save contact details directly into phone with minimal effort.
The half circle logo reflects Debbie as one half of P&D associates.




Retaining the half circle logo as the letterhead will be predominantly used by Debbie as the signatory on all correspondence to their clients.
Colour scheme retained but with the addition of some ‘swirl’ lines to add some depth to the design and separate the contact details and licence details to avoid a cluttered look.








Compliment Slip
Again retains the same design as the letterhead for consistency and branding





Full circle logo has been used on the leaflet design as it is being presented by the company as a whole and contains company contact details and not specific partner details.  Colour scheme has been retained.  Service boxes on the front highlight the company areas of expertise.  The reverse expands the service is a little more detail that is sufficient for prospective clients.








Presentation Folder
Full circle logo has been used as the folder will be presented by the company and does not limit the design to only one partner.  There is a business card holder cutout to allow for each partner to present the folder as an individual.


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