QR Codes

By Jo

I have been looking into QR codes and their use in business stationery.

QR Codes, short for “Quick Response codes“, are simply 2D barcodes that can store a lot of information.  They are an efficient and effective way to get your business noticed quickly and are also a talking point. Jeff Korhan predicts that 2012 will be a breakout year for QR Codes. Search Engine Watch says, “Mobile Barcode Scanning is on the Rise“.

There are endless possibilities for the use of a QR code, especially on business cards.  Initial ideas for this would be to have a smaller QR code at the side of the telephone number that is a Direct Dial so when scanned it brings up the telephone number on the phone and then it can be added into contacts and/or dialled easily.

By using both the QR and the physical number it gives the option of both online and offline communication and so will appeal to all prospective clients regardless of whether they use or know about QR codes.

I have also been exploring the option to put the PD Associates logo into the QR code thereby making it ‘stand out’ even more and also instantly recognisable as belonging to PD Associates.  It seems  pretty straightforward and should be fairly easy to do it Photoshop providing the error correction margins are taken into account when placing the logo.





Ideas for letterheads could be to include a QR code that contains the url for the new website that is being created as this will then direct customers to the website for further information.

A MeCard could also be created that is similar to a business card that contains contact information such as name, address, telelephone and url.  Once scanned this will automatically create an entry in the clients phone and they then have the option to save it as a contact and taking the ‘work’ out of creating the contact details.

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